I got accepted for Google Summer of Code 2023 with PostgreSQL . I’m stoked to be working on a project where I’ll be creating an easy-to-follow tutorial on writing Postgres extension under the guidance of awesome mentors.

My Project:

As a GSoC student working on a Postgres extension project, my first two weeks have been a journey filled with diverse experiences. I began by meeting my mentors who provided valuable insights into the project’s timeline, deliverables, and the scope of possibilities. The GSoC introductory meeting provided me a better understanding of the program structure and what to expect.

The Postgres extension development process can be challenging, particularly for beginners, and I encountered several issues during this period. These hurdles ranged from steep learning curves to versioning problems, with inconsistent structuring and lack of clarity in available resources being particularly problematic.

Despite these challenges, I made significant progress towards building a fundamental understanding of Postgres extension development processes. I documented each challenge and solution to create a useful resource for future developers.

Building an MVP(Minimum Viable Product) Postgres extension gave me further insight into extension development.

During this period, I encountered issues with accessing control files, versioning incompatibility, and commenting problems. These issues prompted me to seek solutions to improve my understanding, and by documenting my issues and solutions, I aim to provide developers with easier access to solutions.

During the second week, I spent time studying regression testing. While I encountered issues implementing pg_regress, I discovered alternative regression testing tools like pgTAP.

Overall, my experience in the first two weeks of this project has been both enriching and challenging. Throughout this journey, I have gained valuable insights, developed my understanding of fundamental concepts, and honed my problem-solving skills. As I continue with this project, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead.